Alle Artikel in: photography

Lomography – the result

Can you remember our little, bright orange Lomography camera we had on a test run for two weeks. Here are some of the pictures which turned out pretty good. Actually most of the pictures did not go that well because it takes a lot of trials to get it the way you want it to be. And I also think the guy from the photoshop did not develop them the right way because it is a special size etc. All in all it still was so much fun snapping some pictures with the Sprocket Rocket SuperPoP camera and we do think about getting one other modell for more lomo-pictures.     P.S.: I wanted to scan them but my scanner isn’t working at the moment.

Rosé Sensation

Yes, I looooove roses! I just adore the different colours and the brightness of them. They turn every pictures into a beautiful moment and give this little elegant touch. I just added my absolute favourite jewellery by Tiffany & Co., the Chanel “Organdy #165” nail polish, my stormy pink lipstick from Revlon and my sunglasses I bought in London to these pictures. I somehow discoverd my new love for soft pink and pastel colours in a whole. Mostly I love wearing black pants, a pastel coloured top, my leather jacket and some boots (summer is over I guess). All it takes to look good for a normal day in my opinion. Jana will be back today – so more pictures from lovely Lake Garda!

The sky seems to be pure

At the moment I’m feeling so perfect. I finally get the chance to meet all my friends and actually find some time for them. In the past few weeks everything was so stressing and I sometimes didn’t know where to start. But now such small things just make everything fall in place. It’s what I have been missing but I didn’t realize it was what I needed all the way through. Just a coffee with a good friend and you feel great again. It does have a magical effect on you! (and a good song is also never a bad thing)

Santa Maria

  Gotan Project – Santa Maria (Del Buen Ayre)   When I looked at these pictures I somehow though about Tango. Such a sexy, passionate and strong dance! I would really love to learn it someday but only with the perfect partner at my side. Want to see a really good Tango? Watch the video after the klick

Find your style

I assume a lot of you have made the experience of a changing style. I mean the personal style. Many people have their own “section” where they feel the comfiest. And then there are times in life when you start to change your look. Maybe just because of a mood or because you saw some inspiring pictures/movies/tv series etc. which makes you go shopping like mad. I actually can’t tell what made me change my fashion sense. I was looking through my closet again and discoverd that I bought a lot of feminine and chic things in the past days and months – without even noticing till now. When I was a little girl I loved everything girly and fun. Then I tried out the “alternative” section (many others in between too) and now I’m again changing. Lets see were this one leads me too… I just want to say that I still have not found the style I’m looking for. A part of growing-up I would say and definitely nothing to be afraid of. …