Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: feeling

Personal Issue: About feeling helpless

From time to time we all feel a little vulnerable and helpless. Some of us more often than others but mostly we can recover and build new strength. But we all probably know what its like to feel helpless. And I not only mean feeling helpless for ourselves but especially for others. So, I came to ask the question: why do we sometimes feel so helpless? What are these situations and is it possible to overcome them? I never thought that I would be picking up this kind off topic in a blog post but lately I figured it would be a good platform to talk about it. In my environment I have discovered a high rate of people facing eating disorders. I think this stems from the fact that I constantly work with girls from the age 13 to 18 and I have watched some of them grow up. From being a kid to becoming a teenager, struggling with various life issues. We have all been through this age or a currently still facing …