Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: fittea


I have always preferred tea over coffee my whole life – some think that’s really strange. Maybe it’s because I’ve always had a little ritual with my parents, to drink green tea on afternoons of weekends, which we often spent together. Also, tea is really about patience and worshipping the beverage itself. You’l boil the water, it needs to cool a little to reach the perfect temperature for that certain kind of tea and then it is poured and rests in its cup, steaming and warm… When we first tried fittea, we were surprised by the rich flavor of it. Especially, the “Inner Beauty” tea, smelled and tasted exceptionally with its flavors of lady’s mantle plant, whitethorn, aniseed, raspberry leaves and fennel. Also the little pink tea filter swims happily in the cup and instantly puts a smile on our faces. In cooperation with Fittea