Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: Hans Otto Theater

Personal Issue: About confidence and self-doubt

You probably ask yourself how the terms confidence and self-doubt fit into one post but I promise you: they can. Through out the last few months I have been working on the ballet production of my dance school which is always fun but also very stressful. One week before the premiere takes place, we bring everything on stage and rehearse for long hours in order to deliver a marvelous performance. I always become very excited when this week arrives since its the moment I love the most; the moment when we go on stage for the first time and feel the rush of adrenaline running through my body. Nevertheless it is also the moment I feel the most vulnerable, I have to figure out if everything I have plotted together in my mind comes together and if I can fill this huge space with, well, just my facial expression and the choreography my body fulfills. The stage therefore has become a place of confidence and self-doubt for me. I feel the pressure, resting on my …