Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: Kunst

Culture in Potsdam: Museum Barberini

Since a few weeks the city center of Potsdam has been enriched by another great cultural attraction: the Museum Barberini. Filled with pieces reaching from the Old Masters to contemporary artists, this place is a true sensation for art lovers. It took quite some time to find the right place and building for the museum but with the newly build Plazzo Barberini the art, mainly sponsored by Hasso Plattner, has finally found a good setting. The architecture of the building is beautiful: free, spacious and filled with light. If you plan to visit the museum make sure to bring some time and make sure to buy some tickets before. Even though its already open since a few weeks there are still queue in front of the main entrance in the morning. Another great tip: download their free! App and enjoy some good, short entries on the art displayed in the museum. Museum Barberini Alter Markt Humboldtstraße 5–6 14467 Potsdam What To Wear to this location