Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: snack

Coconut Chia Snack

Here comes another delicious breakfast and on-the-go inspiration for you. This time it’s from the book Good to Glow by Tali Shine and Steph Adams. Make sure to prepare this one night in advance. What you need: 400ml coconut milk 20ml agave syrup 60g white chia seeds (I used black seeds) 500g coconut yogurt (it also works with plain yogurt) granola, seeds and fruits for garnishing “Combine coconut milk, agave syrup and chia seeds in a bowl and store in the fridge for two hours. Add the coconut yogurt and let it in the fridge over night. Put mixture (as much as desvered) into a small bowl and add granola, other seeds and berries of your choice.” – Good to Glow, p. 75