Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: Sunday Talk

Personal Issue: When your priorities change

At some point we all have our priorities and somehow organize our lives according to them. Maybe not realizing this straight away but those priorities really shape us and how we arrange our daily life and, really important, our future. What are the values we want to keep and pass on? How important is this or that? And is this really necessary? But this is all a little more complex, as I have experienced lately. I guess the least of us know their priorities straight away. When someone would come up to me and ask for my priorities I would certainly have to think for a while. For a long time I thought I knew what my priorities are, since I’m always really organized when it comes to life and schedules. But I guess life events, people and certain circumstances change those preferences and you start to over-think your way of living. My first, vast major life course was when my father died in 2012 (find an article on that here). So much changed in …

Personal Issue: When your world is torn apart

It took quite some time to open up about this topic but since a year and a half I can openly say it loud: I’m a half-orphan. In 2012, the year we finished school and I was ready to start my life as a university student, I lost my father. He died of a heart-attack; way too early and way too suddenly. I don’t want to go any deeper into the situation and the day as it is still a heart-breaking feeling for my family and me. But from here I would like to start this entry. The moment when your whole world is torn apart. The next couple of days and weeks have been the worst in my life so far. Somehow I exactly remember the time after the day and somehow I can’t put everything together anymore. It’s like a big sorted mess. Losing a person so close to you is something I wish no one would ever experience, sadly it is something we all have to go through and live with – …