Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: Tierliebe

Personal Issue: Why Dogs are really better than Humans

I‘ve always been a dog lover, my whole childhood I wanted to have a furry friend and they day my parents got a golden retriever was probably one of the happiest in my life. But why are people so fond of dogs anyway? Now, that I’m living in the centre of Berlin, I can understand that some people don’t like dogs. When they’re ill-bred and do what they want, people are scared or annoyed rather than pleased by them. Nevertheless, there is so much that humans don’t see and with that, so many issues that we create with wrong body language or handling of dogs. Through my mom, who is an even bigger dog lover than I am and has educated herself a lot when it comes to dog education, I learned that dogs don’t like it when you lean over them, that you should always keep 5 core orders that a dog knows and that they calm dog when you touch their chests. There are million more interesting tricks and hacks, also specific for …