Tag: November 21, 2009

Our friendship began with contraries. Now we are twins.

There are some friendships in this world that are absolutely extraordinary. You found someone with whom you have a feeling you don’t have with anyone else. Without this person there would be something missing in your life. I think you can guess who I’m talking about… My Vanessa. The time I passed in France made me think of a lot of different things that are happening in my life, back here I see some things with different eyes and somehow clearer than before. I thought a lot about my friendships, the most important ones and what makes them so special for me. So I remembered how I met her this one day in school. It was the day on an English competition and all students were passing some tests to find out there English Levels. I was in the waiting room with Vany and a couple of classmates. I think this was the first time we talked with each other and somehow we got very familiar in such a short time. After this day we …