Kommentare 7

How to find a Room in NYC

To live in New York City for a while is the dream of many. However once you have managed to get a work placement/internship or other occupation in New York you will feel relieved but that is obviously where the real work starts. One of the hardest tasks for international students is to find a decent room worth the money and in a good location. Let me tell you: it is hard but not impossible.

Since we both already made some experiences with finding a place to stay in New York, we would like to recommend Manhattan Next to you. Manhattan Next is a rental agency helping young professionals and students to find accommodations that fit their needs.

Manhattan Next will guide you through the often time-consuming and difficult process of finding your perfect room. They are always available via phone or email and help you with all questions you might have. Also Manhattan Next does not demand a American social security number, US guarantor, broker, minimum time of stay or payment history in the US. To make a long story short: it’s the perfect way to find a room for a short period of time and can most definitely save you a lot of unnecessary expenses and struggles.

All of their apartments are of high standard, they are all furnished so you don’t have to worry about that as well. A plus is that some of the apartments even have gym facilities and super nice rooftops – just imagine to have coffee on the roof of your apartment in New York City… Sounds good, right?!

It is always nice to have a contact person that can help you in different kinds of situations while you are abroad thus I can only highly recommend to contact Manhattan Next on their website when you or your friends travel to New York at some point. Also, they recently started a business in London as well. Check out their website for more information.

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