Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: new home

Ten Things I learned about living in New York City

New York, New York, City of endless possibilities, where dreams come true… 1. There is probably nothing you cannot do in New York City. It doesn’t matter if it’s nightlife, food or other experiences, you’ll probably find it somewhere in the city. That is what makes living in New York so amazing and exciting! 2. Yes, the city is crazy expensive, we have to admit. In New York, if you want a unique experience, you have to pay for it. That is probably one of the reasons people are this ambitious to make it in this city and to be able to afford a nice life here. 3. In New York, everything is extreme. I believe that there is no mediocre or “normal” way and one could say that the amplitudes are just wider than anywhere else. 4. If you want to survive in this jungle, you have to be tough. There is no place on earth that teaches you that the way New York does. 5. New York is an extremely inspiring city. You only have to walk through the …

My Ten Favorite Places In New York

1. Probably my favorite place in New York is the Met Museum. I love that you never have to stand in line and can just casually decide to go there and spend the afternoon. I also love that there is so many different kinds of art, you can look at impressionist paintings but as well visit the Egyptian wing or see an exact replica of a Moroccan patio in a Riad. I think you can learn a lot and this museum is one of the greatest there is. 2. When you are living in New York you will soon realize that the Central Park is as essential to your life as the air you are breathing. Literally, when you have passed a week between skyscrapers and in subway tunnels, you will feel like you can finally breathe again once you enter this amazing park. 3. In New York, like every other city probably you should spend your Saturdays with a lovely long brunch with friends before continuing to stroll around through your favorite neighborhood. A …

How to find a Room in NYC

To live in New York City for a while is the dream of many. However once you have managed to get a work placement/internship or other occupation in New York you will feel relieved but that is obviously where the real work starts. One of the hardest tasks for international students is to find a decent room worth the money and in a good location. Let me tell you: it is hard but not impossible. Since we both already made some experiences with finding a place to stay in New York, we would like to recommend Manhattan Next to you. Manhattan Next is a rental agency helping young professionals and students to find accommodations that fit their needs. Manhattan Next will guide you through the often time-consuming and difficult process of finding your perfect room. They are always available via phone or email and help you with all questions you might have. Also Manhattan Next does not demand a American social security number, US guarantor, broker, minimum time of stay or payment history in the US. To make a long story short: it’s the perfect …

Ten Things I learned from living in Amsterdam

A M S T E R D A M 1. It can be so easy to be friendly, nice and helpful. Just take a look at the Dutch people, they can show you how to do it. 2. When you study fashion or fashion management at any fashion school in the Netherlands, you’ll learn the importance of supporting young and upcoming designers or even design students. I have never witnessed a crowd of students so proudly wearing their study colleague’s designs. 3. The Dutch have an extraordinary taste in interior design. Since most Dutch leave their windows without any curtains, you get the chance to catch sight of their beautiful furniture and explicit homes. 4. There is no bad weather in Amsterdam. You’re just too weak or do not have the right clothes, get over it and it will make you stronger. Period. 5. There is no excuse for NOT riding you bicycle at any time. It does not matter if it rains, if there is a storm or sub zero temperatures – you have to t a k e y o …

My ten favorite Places in Amsterdam

1. CT Coffee and Coconuts is the best place in Amsterdam to have breakfast. Apart from this, I love the cozy yet exotic atmosphere the place has. 2. The Skylounge Amsterdam has a panoramic view of the whole metropolis. It is the perfect place to sit on the roof terrace and enjoy some cocktails with your friends. 3. If you are a fan of architecture, a stroll through Herengracht, Keizergracht and Prinsengracht should be enough to amaze your eye. 4. I love to buy my groceries at the Albert Cuyp Market. The De Pijp area is lovely and there are many small boutiques and cafés along the way. 5. The Vondel Park is Amsterdam’s biggest green oasis. You can go there for a run or a walk and observe many happy dogs playing in the meadows. 6. The EYE film museum doesn’t only show interesting exhibitions, it is also an architectural eye-catcher with a lot of wide space and sharp edges. Have a coffee or drink on the terrace or visit the restaurant. 7. The National Opera & Ballet house at Waterlooplein …

Noon in De Pijp

One of my favorite neighborhoods in Amsterdam is De Pijp. It is one of the hip, cool areas that hosts the Albert Cuyp market every day and has numerous cafés, restaurants and bars to hang out. Especially, the Sarphati Park is a nice place to enjoy the sun and maybe have a pick-nick with delicacies you just shopped at the food market around the corner! Dress – H&M Necklace – gift from a good friend Sunglasses – D&G

Ten Things I learned when living in Paris

1. Paris is the place build of the most beautiful and romantic architecture. Full stop. It is a pleasure and privilege to be able to walk through these countless beautiful streets and see all the famous monuments. 2. After my time in Paris I am now officially unable to eat crêpes in any other country than France. Others just don’t get it – they never taste the same. You can find my favorite crêpes store in Montmartre, in Rue des Abbesses. 3. When in Paris, you should stick to drinking black coffee. It is a waste of time and effort to try to get a nice cappuccino – the Parisians don’t believe in milky mix drinks really. And you won’t regret it since the black coffee is just far better in France! 4. The French style is a unique token of elegance in this world. It is hard to imitate and even harder to learn but it is the real deal. Only French women manage to look this elegant in a striped t-shirt and jeans …

My ten favorite places in Paris

After living in Paris for half a year, I was lucky enough to experience many places and see everything that I had planned in advance. Therefore, I figured it might be interesting to share my best tips with you guys – maybe for your next city trip to Paris! 1. Buvette has the best breakfast in town! 2. Le Palais Royale is a very beautiful place to stroll, have a nice coffee or just sit and read a book. 3. Take a walk along the Seine when the sun goes down. 4. Le Coq Rico has a really nice ambiance and lovely chicken dishes. Try the Cross Hermitage red wine with it – it’s divine! 5. Père Lachaise is a real experience. I believe it is the loveliest in autumn, when the leaves are colored in yellow, orange and red. This place is so peaceful yet so interesting. 6. St.Germain des Près is a perfect area to do some shopping, visit the Jardin du Luxembourg and sip some coffee in the sun. 7. Les Puces (Porte …

First Impressions of Amsterdam

My first days in Amsterdam have been a little cold and rainy, but nevertheless simply beautiful. I am already in love with this city’s architecture, it’s cute little cafés, the delicious stroopwafels, the dreamy canals, lovely people and laid-back atmosphere. I am looking forward to seeing the seasons change and to witness spring in Amsterdam, I am sure there is nothing more beautiful. Get the perfect city bag here.