coffee, potsdamguide
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Sweet Treat in Potsdam: Krümelfee


Cupcakes, small sweet treats varying in color, flavor and form. Normally we are not such big fans of these super sweet bits but those served at the Café Krümelfee are really enjoyable. Just the right amount of icing and size to be satisfied but not over-sweetened. You cans also enjoy a vegan creation if you wish.

If you are suffering a lactose intolerance or just prefer other types of milk you will be happy here. Besides normal milk they also have soy milk in their range. And if you need a nice catering company they are happy to help you out.

Price $$$$$ // Service ☆☆☆☆ // Location ☆☆☆☆☆ // Taste ☆☆☆☆

Café Krümelfee
Charlottenstraße 117
14467 Potsdam

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