Tag: September 7, 2017

Outdoor in Munich: Eisbach

Before I knew anything else about what to see in Munich I had the Eisbach on top of my list. You probably think “Why is a little stream so interesting?” Well, since I’m a huge sport enthusiast I know about the Eisbach surfers and really wanted to see them live. Just past the bridge near the Haus der Kunst, the river forms a standing wave about 1 metre high. This makes the perfect surfing wave and therefore attracts quite a few of them. However it is also a really dangerous spot and only experienced surfers should take a ride here. We headed there directly on the first day we arrived since the weather was fantastic and there would actually be some surfers around to watch. When we got there the place was packed with people who also admired the guys on their boards. I could have stayed for ages and just watch them. Now I want to learn surfing even more desperately.