Alle Artikel in: night out

Silver Pants

On Wednesday night we went to a bar called BED Lounge. We will tell you a little bit more about that in another post. This is what Jana wore for the night. Shimmering silver Zara pants combined just with black pieces. Here in Prague it’s really cold and therefore it is rather hard to wear a dress or skirt for the night. A fancy pant is a really good alternative. Lookbook / Facebook / Twitter

Factory Girl

  Last Saturday our close friend Sophie celebrated her 18th birthday. She decided to have a theme party. We all had to get our inspiration from the movie Factory Girl with Sienna Miller as Edie Sedgwick and Guy Pearce as Andy Warhol. We really liked the idea. It wasn’t that easy finding something which fitted the theme but we somehow managed to do so. Back to the 60s! A short video will follow soon!