Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: Burberry

How to wear a Trenchcoat

The Trenchcoat has probably easily became one of our favorite fashion pieces ever. Always looking timeless and chic, you can wear this piece to any occasion. Today we would like to share some various outfit combinations with you. The trenchcoat Jana is wearing, is from the label Club Monaco and she got it two years ago during our time in New York. It was love on first sight and since then has been a loyal partner. When buying a trench, you really got to watch the length of it. There are so many different lengths and not every length suits every body typ. And who wants to look lost in their trench? No one! So, when you go out and want to buy one, make sure the store offers various lengths. Or you head to different stores. Try a long, middle length and short one in order to see which suits you the best. Next step: color. Of course beige is the classic color for a trench and when you want to invest a little …

Moments of Spring

I own this Burberry coat for at least seven years now and nothing has changed about my love for it since this beauty left the store with me back then. If you feel annoyed by searching the perfect trenchcoat then you should simply invest into this classic piece. I do certainly know that it is worth a fortune but I have never ever bought another trench after this one. Trenchcoat – Burberry Sweater – French Connection Pants – Zara Shoes – Zara