Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: Freundschaft

Personal Issue: About being a university student and why it doesn’t fulfill me

Today I want to open up to you about a topic which has been on my mind for quite some time. And yes, the title already spoils it all. In 2012 I started to study Art History and Theatre science at the Freie Universität Berlin. Directly after finishing school I became a university student. My start wasn’t that great since just five days after the semester officially started I lost my father (you can read about this here). But maybe I have to go back a little further so you can understand why I started studying these topics. During my last school year I decided that I would like to become a dancer and go to a school where I could be trained professionally. Due to all my studying for the final school exams I didn’t have enough time to train as you need to in order to get a spot at those institutions. Which is why I decided I would train for one year everyday and apply for the dancer program during the next …

Wild Garden

Who hasn’t been in this situation yet? There are some people in life who are really special to us and who have been through various ups and downs with us. Friends who are so special that we can’t live without them and need their guidance in every situation. Letting this be a normal one like choosing the right pair of jeans or taking care of our broken heart. A best friend is a person in your life who just excepts you the way you are and never lets you down. And than, there comes this situation when you urgently feel the need to thank this person. And this, is really important! Even though the other person dosen’t expects to get a thank you, it is necessary to do it anyway. The team behind Wild Garden has therefore come up with an idea to say thank you to your bestie. They have created a fragrance line consisting three different kinds off scents. This gives you a good variety to choose from. The three are: Pretty&Wild, Sweet&Naughty …