Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: life lesson

Ernährung Pt. I – Ein Anfang

Ernährung Pt. I – Ein Anfang Lange habe ich überlegt ob ich das Thema Ernährung hier ausführlicher auf dem Blog aufgreife. Schließlich ist das Feld einfach riesig und ich keine Ernährungsexpertin. Dennoch habe ich mich seit geraumer Zeit immer mehr damit beschäftigt, was ich in meinen Körper “packe”. Bekanntlicht heißt es ja: du bist, was du isst. Und das Ernährung sich entscheidend auf den Körper, den Geist und unsere Emotionen auswirken kann, ist ja schon länger bewiesen. Wer kennt es nicht, das “hangry”-Gefühl wenn man mal wieder nichts zu Essen in der Nähe hat und dann schlechte Laune bekommt? Vielleicht haben einige jetzt den ultimativen Essensguide erwartet, jedoch muss ich euch diesbezüglich leider enttäuschen. Denn ich habe zum Teil selber noch nicht die absolut richtige Ernährungsweise für mich gefunden. Seit einer Woche habe ich begonnen meine Lebensmittel zu listen um eine Übersicht darüber zu bekommen was mir welche Nährstoffe gibt. Denn viel zu oft habe ich mich schlapp gefühlt, schnell wieder hungrig oder auch mal Appetitlos. Bereits nach fünf Tagen ist mir aufgefallen, dass ich …

Warum wir manchmal scheitern müssen

Personal Issue: Why we sometimes have to fail.

Personal Issue: Why we sometimes have to fail. To fail feels like a no-go in todays society. Even though its strongly connected to our development and part of our evolving personality. I feel its totally natural to sometimes fail and to grow with this setback. Failure is strongly connected to weakness, lack of willpower and imperfections. When people fail to reach their goals it’s often dismissed as something they have to blame on themselves. Therefore it’s primarily linked to your own strength, your overestimation. Fear of failure has become a catalyst for many other problems because we rarely accept  to make mistakes ourselves. We intend to be perfect or to become perfect since the image of being full field is the one of being perfect. Perfection is everything. From our appearance, the way we talk and how we integrate into society. We don’t want to be blamed on something or feel ashamed in front of others. We don’t want to show our weakness or let our true inner disappointment be displayed to others. We are …

Personal Issue: Warum wir immer mehr wollen, aber immer weniger Zeit haben

Personal Issue: Warum wir immer mehr wollen, aber immer weniger Zeit haben Ich glaube wir leben in einer Gesellschaft, in der wir schnell unzufrieden sind. Vielleicht ist dies manchen bewusst, vielen jedoch auch nicht. Vor kurzem bin ich über einen Artikel von Der Zeit gestolpert, in dem es um die Unzufriedenheit in unsere Gesellschaft geht und das der Glücksfaktor irgendwann einfach ausgereizt ist. Doch woher kommt diese Unzufriedenheit? Haben wir wirklich Grund, so unzufrieden zu sein? Mir persönlich fällt meine Unzufriedenheit immer dann auf, wenn ich mehr will. Und dies beziehe ich nicht auf neue Kleidung, Kissenhüllen oder Duftkerzen. Materielle Dinge schließe ich hier bewusst aus. Vielmehr geht es um Leistungen, Entwicklungen und Erfolgserlebnisse. Ich gebe euch ein aktuelles, sehr banales Beispiel: ich möchte im Yoga eine bestimmte Pose erlernen, scheitere aktuell aber noch dran. Zack, ich bin unzufrieden mit meiner eigenen Leistung. Und das ist nicht die erste Situation aus sportlicher Hinsicht, in der ich unzufrieden war. Sobald etwas nicht ganz so klappt wie ich mir das vorstelle, Zweifel ich. Ich gebe zwar nicht …

Personal Issue: About being a university student and why it doesn’t fulfill me

Today I want to open up to you about a topic which has been on my mind for quite some time. And yes, the title already spoils it all. In 2012 I started to study Art History and Theatre science at the Freie Universität Berlin. Directly after finishing school I became a university student. My start wasn’t that great since just five days after the semester officially started I lost my father (you can read about this here). But maybe I have to go back a little further so you can understand why I started studying these topics. During my last school year I decided that I would like to become a dancer and go to a school where I could be trained professionally. Due to all my studying for the final school exams I didn’t have enough time to train as you need to in order to get a spot at those institutions. Which is why I decided I would train for one year everyday and apply for the dancer program during the next …

Personal Issue: About feeling helpless

From time to time we all feel a little vulnerable and helpless. Some of us more often than others but mostly we can recover and build new strength. But we all probably know what its like to feel helpless. And I not only mean feeling helpless for ourselves but especially for others. So, I came to ask the question: why do we sometimes feel so helpless? What are these situations and is it possible to overcome them? I never thought that I would be picking up this kind off topic in a blog post but lately I figured it would be a good platform to talk about it. In my environment I have discovered a high rate of people facing eating disorders. I think this stems from the fact that I constantly work with girls from the age 13 to 18 and I have watched some of them grow up. From being a kid to becoming a teenager, struggling with various life issues. We have all been through this age or a currently still facing …

Personal Issue: When your priorities change

At some point we all have our priorities and somehow organize our lives according to them. Maybe not realizing this straight away but those priorities really shape us and how we arrange our daily life and, really important, our future. What are the values we want to keep and pass on? How important is this or that? And is this really necessary? But this is all a little more complex, as I have experienced lately. I guess the least of us know their priorities straight away. When someone would come up to me and ask for my priorities I would certainly have to think for a while. For a long time I thought I knew what my priorities are, since I’m always really organized when it comes to life and schedules. But I guess life events, people and certain circumstances change those preferences and you start to over-think your way of living. My first, vast major life course was when my father died in 2012 (find an article on that here). So much changed in …