Jahr: 2012

Sweet Treat in Potsdam: Lekker Snoepjes

Of course Berlin provides us with so many lovely places and sights we could report about  but why not look at the things we have in our surrounding? Potsdam is not only a very historical city,  it also has it’s small insider tip’s which we would like to share with you a bit more.  We are both not born here but since our school was right in the city-center we got around  quite a lot. And just on the other side of the street (sometimes things are really close!) we had from time to time the pleasure to enjoy a splendid cup of hot chocolate and and some superb  pralines or a delicious piece of home-made cake.  The place, a little café and praline heaven, is called Lekker Snoepjes and was founded by Tanja Hoffmann and Franziska Tölcke in 2008.  Both studied in different cities and different subjects yet somehow faith brought them together. They love sweet things and above all pralines. First they sold their creations on a market before opening a café.  In their …

Grecian goddess

< A little photoshoot with Davina, ballet dancer and teacher. As location we have chosen the beautiful park of Sanssouci because it was or working place for the past week. The inspiration came through the play. Davina plays the greek goddess Diana and we thought it would be nice capturing that look and the location.

Isola Bella

♫ Adanowsky – Me Siento Solo ♫   I finally found the sun- in Italy. When I visited Isola Bella I couldn’t quite believe that once upon a time people lived in such a paradise on earth.  The island once belonged to a family of Italian nobles- today it is one of the most beautiful attractions around Italian lakes.

Sweet Treat in Berlin: Wonderpots Part II

When you hear the word “Wonderpots” you kind off think about something magical, something extraordinary. In this case you wont be disappointed – in fact, you will be mesmerized. Behind Wonderpots, a guilt-free goodness, you will find one of the loveliest Frozen Yogurt stores I have ever been to. I had the pleasure to talk to Björn Welter, CEO and founder of the store. Without doubt a really inspiring man, showing and telling me what is possible if you just “through yourself into it”. He studied architecture at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, a renowned institution when it comes to architecture. Afterwards he worked for Pret a Manger in London and travelled all over the year between New York, Hong Kong and London because of his work as interior designer for the branch. And here, in the streets of NYC, the idea for Wonderpots was born, a crazy one as he said, a risk of course. He took the chance and made himself, together with a partner, self-employed. They opened their first store in Berlin …

Culture in Berlin: Berlin University of the Arts

♫ Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros – 40 Day Dream ♫  The Berlin University of the Arts (short in German: UdK) is probably one of the renowned public art schools in Germany. If you manage to get hold of a place at this institution you are more than lucky and already (if you graduate successfully) have a high-light on your curriculum vitae. So, it was no surprise that a lot of people were going to take a look at it on the annual open house days of the university. Jana is on holiday at the moment, she will bring some lovely summer pictures along when she comes back (hopefully!).