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Sweet Treat in Berlin: Wonderpots Part II

When you hear the word “Wonderpots” you kind off think about something magical, something extraordinary. In this case you wont be disappointed – in fact, you will be mesmerized.
Behind Wonderpots, a guilt-free goodness, you will find one of the loveliest Frozen Yogurt stores I have ever been to. I had the pleasure to talk to Björn Welter, CEO and founder of the store. Without doubt a really inspiring man, showing and telling me what is possible if you just “through yourself into it”.
He studied architecture at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, a renowned institution when it comes to architecture. Afterwards he worked for Pret a Manger in London and travelled all over the year between New York, Hong Kong and London because of his work as interior designer for the branch. And here, in the streets of NYC, the idea for Wonderpots was born, a crazy one as he said, a risk of course. He took the chance and made himself, together with a partner, self-employed. They opened their first store in Berlin Mitte (Björn is born in Berlin) under an S-Bahn arch close to the station Friedrichstraße. Since then it has become a strong growing business also taking catering jobs for birthdays, festivals or other events.
When you come into the store you can feel the love behind it. Details everywhere, bringing the certain charm to the whole scenery. The pieces you find here are collected from different places Björn has been to and which have inspired him.
Of course you come here to enjoy one of the yogurts with some toppings such as fresh chopped fruits, caramel sauce or red fruit pudding (homemade by Björns mum, about 1 ton a month!). However you can also enjoy some coffee or a cool Arizona Iced Tea. It is up to you, what you make out of it. Somehow this is Björns message, do what you like, but do it with your whole heart and soul. You can see the work in this project just when you look at the interior and the concept behind it. They are keen on selling fair-trade products and work environmentally friendly. This has it’s price but Björn hopes, that the people who come inside see this and are ready to pay a bit more for their frozen pleasure. In my opinion however it has a totally appropriate price level (people who have been to London know what I’m talking about).
They are planning on opening more stores in Berlin and someday expend even further. It is wonderful to see that such institutions are working out and are supported; I think that is important because they make this city even more charming. 
Thank you, Björn and the Wonderpots team!
All the best,

Store Nr.1
 Georgenstraße, S-Bahnbogen 194 
Nähe S-Bhf. Friedrichstr. 
10117 Berlin-Mitte
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