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Chocolate Cornflakes Cookies

For these delicious chocolate cornflakes cookies (my absolut favorite) you need:

250g butter
2 eggs
180g sugar
one pack of vanilla sugar
350g flour
5-6 cups of cornflakes
100g dark chocolate
1/2 pack of backing powder
125g raisins

Preheat your oven to 180°C Crush the cornflakes and chop the chocolate into small crumbs (if you have a good mixer or mixing machine the cornflakes will break in the mixing process). First you mix butter, eggs, vanilla sugar and sugar together. In a separate bowl we combine the flour with the backing powder. Then add it to the butter etc. mixture. Now you need the chopped chocolate and the raisins, all in there. Last but not least add the cornflakes.

Form small heaps on the metal sheet covered with baking paper. Bake about 15 to 20 minutes on the second rack at 180 degree (upper/lower heat). Check after 15 minutes, it all depends on how big your heaps are. We do rather little ones because you can get more out of the recipe in the end. If they are a little golden take them out and let them cool before removing them from the sheet.

If you like a glas of milk this is the perfect drink along with these cookies. Such a childhood memory for me.

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