Tag: Dezember 17, 2015

My Ten Favorite Places In New York

1. Probably my favorite place in New York is the Met Museum. I love that you never have to stand in line and can just casually decide to go there and spend the afternoon. I also love that there is so many different kinds of art, you can look at impressionist paintings but as well visit the Egyptian wing or see an exact replica of a Moroccan patio in a Riad. I think you can learn a lot and this museum is one of the greatest there is. 2. When you are living in New York you will soon realize that the Central Park is as essential to your life as the air you are breathing. Literally, when you have passed a week between skyscrapers and in subway tunnels, you will feel like you can finally breathe again once you enter this amazing park. 3. In New York, like every other city probably you should spend your Saturdays with a lovely long brunch with friends before continuing to stroll around through your favorite neighborhood. A …