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MC Talk with Stephanie Lee Goldhahn

Stephanie Lee Goldhahn is a professional ballet dancer, currently living in Belgrade Serbia and working in the National Theatre. Originally from Australia her love of dance, which turned into a profession swept her up into traveling the world. She was the first Australian ballet dancer to be given a contract and employed as a soloist artist with the Imperial Russian Ballet and during this time was commended and written about by ballet critics of her debut performance of Cupid in Don Quixote. She’s currently engaged to Russian ballet dancer Daniil Kolmin and in the process of planning her wedding. Her love of writing has recently spurred her onto creating her own dance mixed with fashion blog, and her and Daniil’s wedding blog.

When you were a child, what did you dream of being?
When I was a child I really wanted to become an Olympic swimmer. I was really small, but very fast. My nickname was “Goldfish” (because my last name is Goldhahn) at competitions, I even believed one day I’d bring home a gold medal!

What do you always take with you when you travel?
I take my iPad everywhere! I usually just have to find free wifi if I need to contact someone. I don’t own a mobile phone, I haven’t for a few years now. I’m proud to say I can walk down the street without my head buried in my iPhone, or it be glued to my hand.

What is your favorite spot on earth?
Home. I think living away from Australia has made me appreciate it much more than I would have if I hadn’t had left. When I go home it feels like I’m going back in time – to an alternate chapter of my life. Little changes have happened but the majority of things just stay the same.

What is one thing left on your bucket list?
Work in Berlin! My grandparents were both born and lived in Berlin before coming to Australia. So I feel like I have a strong calling there, it would be a dream come true. My aunt and uncle were born in Germany, and my dad in Australia. He likes to say he’s the only Australian in the family!

What is your favorite indulgence?
Chips! I’m not so much of a sweet tooth but I love savoury food. Chips are my weakness!

What is your ingredient for a happy life?
Being able to sit, relax, enjoy good food and good wine in good company! I believe it’s really important to take time out and just do what makes you happy!

MC Talk Instagram - Stephanie

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