cityguide, copenhagenguide, photo diary, photography, travel
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Kopenhagen Photo Diary I

DSCF0456DSCF0506 DSCF0504 DSCF0508 DSCF0622 DSCF0597 DSCF0624 DSCF0598Last weekend I was lucky enough to visit Kopenhagen with my boyfriend. At first, honestly, I was expecting a rather small and calm city. However, my expectations were exceeded completely!

Kopenhagen is a beautiful, interesting, design affiliate, artful, easy-going city with a high quality of life.

We actually managed to walk through the whole city in one weekend, our favorite districts definitely being the area near Nyhavn and the city centre.

We can highly recommend to visit Rosenborg and Amalienborg, take a boat tour starting at Nyhavn, visit the Rundetaarn and just stroll through all the beautiful narrow streets. I also loved that there are so many interior design and lightning shops!

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