Monate: November 2017

Breakfast in Leipzig: Café Luise

During my short trip to Leipzig we had breakfast at Café Luise, a spacious spot offering breakfast, lunch, cake and dinner. You see, an all-rounder. We came here on a Saturday morning and had made a reservation beforehand since we were seven people in total and it wouldn’t have been easy to get a table for that amount of people. If you just want to drop in alone or with a friend you shouldn’t have a problem to get a table with a little wait. It wasn’t full that morning. All of us ordered different dishes. I wasn’t that hungry and decided to just go for some scrambled eggs and a roll. Others decided to try the English breakfast, pancakes or a Swedish breakfast mainly serving fish. Since I jus opt for this simple dish I can’t give you such a detailed insight to their breakfast. It was good but not overwhelming. The other dishes looked good but nothing we haven’t seen already. I somehow missed the little twist and felt everything was a little …

Personal Issue: About being a university student and why it doesn’t fulfill me

Today I want to open up to you about a topic which has been on my mind for quite some time. And yes, the title already spoils it all. In 2012 I started to study Art History and Theatre science at the Freie Universität Berlin. Directly after finishing school I became a university student. My start wasn’t that great since just five days after the semester officially started I lost my father (you can read about this here). But maybe I have to go back a little further so you can understand why I started studying these topics. During my last school year I decided that I would like to become a dancer and go to a school where I could be trained professionally. Due to all my studying for the final school exams I didn’t have enough time to train as you need to in order to get a spot at those institutions. Which is why I decided I would train for one year everyday and apply for the dancer program during the next …

Staying in Leipzig: Downtown Apartments Leipzig

When traveling to different cities we have experienced that renting an apartment can be a quite good alternativ to a normal hotel. Which is why there have been plopping up so many new renting concepts around various cities. About a week and a half ago, a friend and I took the chance and headed to Leipzig. All planed as a surprise for another friend who just finished her final university examination in order to become a dentist. We wanted to surprise her and come to her graduation ball without letting her know. A few weeks before we browsed through the internet and my friend spotted the apartments called Downton Apartments Leipzig. The pictures got us instantly and we made a reservation with Rebekka, the owner of the apartments. Our first call was easy-going and she already seemed to be a welcoming person. The day we arrived, Rebekka was there to welcome us and give us an exclusive insight to the apartment complex. It was so nice to meet her in person and get to know …