Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: Vanessa

Blogger Xmas Photoshoot

Working with the squad from COTY is just always a joy. The last two years we have been a part of this amazing team (find a list with at the end of this post with the past events) and just loved all their events, surprises and cooperation offers. So, before telling you a little more about yesterdays event, I would like to take the chance and say thank you! The last two years the Christmas events have been held in Hamburg, which always brought me back to this lovely town. A town I somehow call home too since my Mum was born here. However this time they chose Berlin as their city, which also made me really happy and excited. Yesterday a bunch of bloggers and influencers headed to Delight Rental Studios in Berlin in order to spend a fun day together. The theme of this years event was “GOLD” and the main part was a photoshoot with tow different styles, in two different settings. My first look for the Bruno Banani section was the …

Personal Issue: When your priorities change

At some point we all have our priorities and somehow organize our lives according to them. Maybe not realizing this straight away but those priorities really shape us and how we arrange our daily life and, really important, our future. What are the values we want to keep and pass on? How important is this or that? And is this really necessary? But this is all a little more complex, as I have experienced lately. I guess the least of us know their priorities straight away. When someone would come up to me and ask for my priorities I would certainly have to think for a while. For a long time I thought I knew what my priorities are, since I’m always really organized when it comes to life and schedules. But I guess life events, people and certain circumstances change those preferences and you start to over-think your way of living. My first, vast major life course was when my father died in 2012 (find an article on that here). So much changed in …

Personal Issue: About confidence and self-doubt

You probably ask yourself how the terms confidence and self-doubt fit into one post but I promise you: they can. Through out the last few months I have been working on the ballet production of my dance school which is always fun but also very stressful. One week before the premiere takes place, we bring everything on stage and rehearse for long hours in order to deliver a marvelous performance. I always become very excited when this week arrives since its the moment I love the most; the moment when we go on stage for the first time and feel the rush of adrenaline running through my body. Nevertheless it is also the moment I feel the most vulnerable, I have to figure out if everything I have plotted together in my mind comes together and if I can fill this huge space with, well, just my facial expression and the choreography my body fulfills. The stage therefore has become a place of confidence and self-doubt for me. I feel the pressure, resting on my …

Personal Issue: When do we ever give ourselves a break?

The title of this weeks personal issue post captures it all pretty well. And just by writing this article, late at night on a Sunday evening, the question seems more current than ever. Lately I have been working for more than one project, the biggest one being our annual summer ballet which has my schedule fully under control. Plus university, another dance project and our blog. I may not work full-time in a firm but the hours I work cover more than a forty hour week. Free weekends? A real rarity lately. And yes, you may think “Why is she doing all this? Is it really necessary?” And guess what: I constantly ask these questions myself. People think that everything comes easy and that the things I do are my own choice. And your right, everything I do and work for is completely done with passion and love. I easily sacrifice weekends and train or work long hours in the evening, even though my day was busy already. But still: when do we ever give ourselves …

Blue skies smiling at me

Snapping these pictures wasn’t easy actually. It was raining the whole day and we tried to catch a weather gap. The weather God wasn’t on our side which is why we headed to the beautiful New Palace and used those beautiful arcades as our backdrop. Even though the weather wasn’t summerly at all, I couldn’t resists on wearing this beautiful light blue skirt from Zara. I already bought it some weeks ago and was desperately waiting to wear it. I really love the shape of the skirt which is why I also got it in black the other day. Shirt – Zara Skirt – Zara Trenchcoat – Burberry Shoes – Adidas Sunglasses – Ray Ban

Personal Issue: About the long-distance-relationship-trend

A few weeks ago I stumbled across this article about relationships. In this they wrote that more than half of all Germans have lived in a long-distance relationship during the last year. Surprising? Not really. Many of my friends have been in this position and I can also give a deep insight on this topic. But is this really a new trend? An old, and yet still unfamiliar, form of relationship? My long-distance relationship lasted 3 years. Before we entered this statues we have been together for not quite a year. When you finish school, life stretches ahead of you and there are so many possibilities. And I actually love to encourage anyone to follow his or her dreams and give it a shot, no matter how far it is away. I’m a strong believer that, if the feelings are strong enough, it will be okay to go through such a period of time. Therefore I would never ask someone to not leave if they truly want it and on the other side I would …

Embroidered Jeans

The long Easter weekend lays ahead of us and we do hope for some better weather than the forecast gives us. We haven’t planed much and will rather try to regain some strength and relax with our families. Next week university starts again and I’m not so motivated but hope the excitement will kick in as soon as I meet my fellow students. After such a long university-free-time it can be a real pain to go back and study. The past weeks haven’t been easy and I was researching and writing two essays. I didn’t go on holiday and the next weeks will be filled with new lectures and rehearsals for our up-coming ballet. Jacket – Zara Shirt – Zara Jeans – Zara (surrten collection) Shoes – Stan Smith Adidas sneakers

Personal Issue: About dream roles, hard work and sacrifice

I think I was around fifteen/sixteen years old when I first realized how madly in love I am with dancing. Some people think this has always been the case when they meet me today. But to be honest: dancing before that was not my favorite kind-off sport (today I wouldn’t even call it sport anymore, I like to consider it a form of art). At the age of three my Mum took me to ballet class. Well, a dance class where you spin around a little, jump and just have fun. Because of my Dads work we moved places quite often and in every new city I would face a new dance studio, new people, new boundaries. Besides dancing I have always been very active and tried many different sports such as swimming, football, horse riding, badminton, athletics etc. and I was good in all of those fields. I just basically knew what type of sport fits me and my needs. I was horrible at volleyball in school and therefore I would never have taken …

Personal Issue: When your world is torn apart

It took quite some time to open up about this topic but since a year and a half I can openly say it loud: I’m a half-orphan. In 2012, the year we finished school and I was ready to start my life as a university student, I lost my father. He died of a heart-attack; way too early and way too suddenly. I don’t want to go any deeper into the situation and the day as it is still a heart-breaking feeling for my family and me. But from here I would like to start this entry. The moment when your whole world is torn apart. The next couple of days and weeks have been the worst in my life so far. Somehow I exactly remember the time after the day and somehow I can’t put everything together anymore. It’s like a big sorted mess. Losing a person so close to you is something I wish no one would ever experience, sadly it is something we all have to go through and live with – …

Light Blue

While taking these pictures we were once again reminded that we live in a city where rain is inevitable. So we headed to Walter-Benjamin-Platz, a square named after the philosopher Walter Benjamin. The adjoining Leibniz colonnades offer the right protection for some outfit snaps (and yes, we have taken here some pictures before. Take a look here and here). The light blue jacket is from the current Zara collection and also available in a light pink pastel shade. A friend of mine wore it and I instantly fell in love with it. So, as soon as I got home I ordered it online and got it delivered a few days later. I actually didn’t think of really buying it in the end but somehow it was just too gorgeous to send back. Jacket – Zara (I’m wearing XS) Oversized shirt – Gina Tricot Lace bra – H&M Nacklace – H&M Black skinny pants – Mavi Boots – Zara