Jahr: 2009

Christmas Under Palms

Yesterday Vanessa brought me to the airport and I left for the holidays. This year I am celebrating Christmas not in winter wonderland, but under palms on the beautiful island of Madeira. I have to admit, I had to make myself familiar with the thought of celebrating Christmas in a warm country. I thought it wouldn’t really feel like christmas and something would be missing. But since I’ve celebrated here also last here, I can say that’s definetely not true. The whole island is decorated with a thousands of lights and things christmas trees with lots of balls, mistletoes and everything else you can imagine. Moreover you can have the view of the isalnd , which is looking like a giant Christmas tree itself with all the marvellous lights. There’s a christmas market and “Santa Baby” is played everywhere. To sum up: over here, we have all the christmassy stuff we have in Germany or anywhere else. The only difference: you can swim in the light blue pool, can lie in the sun and wear …

Our friendship began with contraries. Now we are twins.

There are some friendships in this world that are absolutely extraordinary. You found someone with whom you have a feeling you don’t have with anyone else. Without this person there would be something missing in your life. I think you can guess who I’m talking about… My Vanessa. The time I passed in France made me think of a lot of different things that are happening in my life, back here I see some things with different eyes and somehow clearer than before. I thought a lot about my friendships, the most important ones and what makes them so special for me. So I remembered how I met her this one day in school. It was the day on an English competition and all students were passing some tests to find out there English Levels. I was in the waiting room with Vany and a couple of classmates. I think this was the first time we talked with each other and somehow we got very familiar in such a short time. After this day we …

Berlin – The New Fashion Metropolis?

Ask people about fashion hot spot cities in this world, what are they going to answer? Paris? True. London? Yeah. New York? Yes we know that. Milan? Agreed. But this just can’t be everything! There’s one thing missing, isn’ t there? YES, we say, since some years. The big B. Cool. Hip. New. Advancing. Home of important designers like Alexandra Fischer-Roehler and Johanna Kühl for Kaviar Gauche, Michael Michalsky, Sisi Wasabi, Wolfgang JOOP. With Models like Eva Padberg or Nadja Auermann. With shopping miles like ‘Kudamm’ and hottest districts like ‘Mitte’. BERLIN. For me, it’s the most promising new style metropolis, which can actually hold a candle to London’s or New York’s fashion community. That was recently proved by the Berlin Fashion Week 2009, which was a big success. There were countless exhibitions, showrooms and – of course- fashion shows. Fashion guests from all over the world came and enjoyed the experience of countless new designers, with innovative ideas and highest creativity. For people, who are convinced of Berlin’s new role as fashion city, the …

You’re a dance machine

We guess we met the first time at a ballet class. Totally strange! We both visit the same school and ballet lesson. How did we pass each other one wholeyear without notice? Crazy!? One day we started talking to each other: “Oh aren’t we at the same school too?!” “Yes we are!” And that was the day when a new unbelievable friendship started. Since that day we both found out that we are Fashion Lovers and buy theVogue rather then food (thanks Sex and the City). Taking photos and go out together is today the most normal thing on earth. Berlin has captured our hearts and we lvoe to hang out in the city together.Always new and amazing things we see on our trips. Therefore we are starting a totally new Lifestyle Blog. It will bring new ideas not only for the readers but also for us personally. Be a part of it and see the world in a new dramatic but totally stylish way!