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Here comes our this years Halloween Special for you. The pictures were taken by Michael from Reinhardt&Sommer with help of JFRcreatives and Klemens.

We were thinking of witches and witchcraft this year but in a modern way. Since the earliest human cultures the belief in and the practice of magic has been a present issue. And even today it has an important role in religious and medical areas all around the globe. Most of the time witchcraft has been contacted to the Devil and was stigmatized as something evil. Especially in Protestant Europe witch-hunts became an important matter and many women were burnt on the stake. Approximately between 40,000 and 60,000 executions have taken place between 1480 and 1750. Witch hunts continue to this day.

The fascination for the supernatural is still very present and has reached a high fan level and publicity with the Harry Potter books and movies. J.K. Rowling made it possible to see witchcraft from a different perspective and it hit the nerve of the time right-away. And who knows what comes next, the imagination has no limits anymore today.

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