Kommentare 5

Our friendship began with contraries. Now we are twins.

There are some friendships in this world that are absolutely extraordinary. You found someone
with whom you have a feeling you don’t have with anyone else. Without this person there
would be something missing in your life. I think you can guess who I’m talking
about… My Vanessa.
The time I passed in France made me think of a lot of different
things that are happening in my life, back here I see some things with different
eyes and somehow clearer than before. I thought a lot about my friendships, the most
important ones and what makes them so special for me. So I remembered how I met her this
one day in school. It was the day on an English competition and all students were passing
some tests to find out there English Levels. I was in the waiting room with Vany and a
couple of classmates. I think this was the first time we talked with each other and somehow
we got very familiar in such a short time. After this day we found out that we are in the
same dance class every Wednesday and Thursday. Also in school we started to spend more
time together every day.
Some weeks later, we got closer and closer, indeed everything went
very fast.
Our first meeting was a going to Berlin together-for some shopping of course.
Here as well both of us realized that we are fitting together perfectly and our opinions are
going along very well. We had so much fun! I can remember us talking and talking as if
we’d known each other for years!
In the evening I was sleeping over at her house and the
first picture of us was taken- it was a contrast picture. Vanessa was dressed all in black
and I was standing next to her all in white with a crème pearl vintage clutch in my hand.
This picture expressed the black and white contrast, we did have the idea because of
Heidi Klum’s Germanys Next Topmodel season in which they had made a shoot of
This had been the upbeat for a wonderful friendship. I think we did meet each
other at least once a week the following weeks. We found out that we can share all our
thoughts with each other, that the other one would always be there. Moreover we r
ecognized that we share the same passions in life. We two love to dance. Dancing
together with such a good friend is the best you can imagine. Every rehearsal, every
performance, every movement makes fun because you have a dear person next to you
doing the same thing and having such a lot of fun too.
The next important fondness in
our life is of course fashion! We are both passionate Vogue readers- I couldn’t find anyone
else with whom I can talk that good about fashion articles etc. as I can with Nessi.
Therefore we did create this blog together so that we can share our common thoughts
about fashion with others.
Vanessa and me, are completing each other: we are two
pieces fitting perfectly together. Together we went through so much… Of course we had
some small trouble, but we weren’t able to be without each other for long! We experienced
so many situations along with each other. I think one of the most significant was this one:
we danced in a performance in the theatre together. After this we took the tram to go to a
café to drink some coffee. In the tram was a little girl, suddenly she was pointing at us and
was telling her mom: “Look mummy, they are twins!” We just looked at each other- and
had to laugh so badly. It wasn’t even that funny, just the situation was really striking us
in some way.
Although we haven’t known each other for eternity, Vanessa is one of the
most important people in my life.
Some weeks before, she handed me her calendar diary
(I love designing diaries with fashion collages and speeches) and I wrote one sentence on
the first page that is, how I think, describing our friendship the best:
“Our friendship began with contraries. Now we are twins.”

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