Alle Artikel in: personalissue

Personal Issue: When do we ever give ourselves a break?

The title of this weeks personal issue post captures it all pretty well. And just by writing this article, late at night on a Sunday evening, the question seems more current than ever. Lately I have been working for more than one project, the biggest one being our annual summer ballet which has my schedule fully under control. Plus university, another dance project and our blog. I may not work full-time in a firm but the hours I work cover more than a forty hour week. Free weekends? A real rarity lately. And yes, you may think “Why is she doing all this? Is it really necessary?” And guess what: I constantly ask these questions myself. People think that everything comes easy and that the things I do are my own choice. And your right, everything I do and work for is completely done with passion and love. I easily sacrifice weekends and train or work long hours in the evening, even though my day was busy already. But still: when do we ever give ourselves …

Personal Issue: Why do we always judge each other?

Lately, I couldn’t help but think a lot about “judging” and how it affects our lives in general. I understand, that judging means to formulate an opinion about a person, often without knowing them better or being present at the circumstances. For some reason, judging others is a sport among women, especially when Instagram is involved. Profiles are checked out, opinions are formed – a picture that is a little bit too revealing or make-up that is applied is a little bit too much, will be topic of talk in minutes! But why are we so pre-occupied with others? And why do we think, that our interpretation is always right? Honestly, I think judging others should not even be a thing. We should all keep in mind, that people are flawed (we all are) and everyone has the right to live and present themselves on Social Media in the way they want. However, when people are presenting themselves on Social Media this way, shouldn’t we also be allowed to form opinions and talk about it? …

Personal Issue: About the long-distance-relationship-trend

A few weeks ago I stumbled across this article about relationships. In this they wrote that more than half of all Germans have lived in a long-distance relationship during the last year. Surprising? Not really. Many of my friends have been in this position and I can also give a deep insight on this topic. But is this really a new trend? An old, and yet still unfamiliar, form of relationship? My long-distance relationship lasted 3 years. Before we entered this statues we have been together for not quite a year. When you finish school, life stretches ahead of you and there are so many possibilities. And I actually love to encourage anyone to follow his or her dreams and give it a shot, no matter how far it is away. I’m a strong believer that, if the feelings are strong enough, it will be okay to go through such a period of time. Therefore I would never ask someone to not leave if they truly want it and on the other side I would …

Personal Issue: Digital Detox

I think it’s only natural that a person who is quite involved in Social Media and communication will at some point ask herself, what consequences it has to be always online. I work as a Marketing & Social Media Manager and additionally also have this Blog (which I love working on and creating content for!) – you can believe me, that’s a lot of time spent on Instagram, FB & Co. Especially, with the rise of Snapchat and Instagram Stories I feel like the time people spent watching videos has increased dramatically. Last week, I read an article on Spiegel Online, which reported that a court has declared making phone calls with a mobile phone an occupational disease – since it had caused brain cancer for an Italian worker. I personally was shocked when I read the article – is that going to happen to me to if I continue spending that much time on the phone? Are these consequences for real? Apart from the health consequences, Social Media have severe consequences for our daily …

Personal Issue: About dating and body-shaming

You probably ask yourself how these two topics, dating and body-shaming, can become the content of one combined post. But sadly I had to experience they can. A few weeks ago I was sitting backstage with some dear, female colleagues and we were chatting like we always do when we get back together after some time. It’s always fun and every girls topic you can imagine comes to discussion here. Last time we once again came to the topic of dating and what we all have experienced lately. One of my colleagues told us about her last Tinder date and this is the base of this post. She met this guy at a café and they chatted about a few topics. It still was a cold day in Berlin and she had her scarf laying on her lap. Not as a blanket, just as a bundle of fabric. After some time she went to the toilet and as she returned, she once again placed the scarf on her lap. The guy noticed it and, hold …

Personal Issue: About dream roles, hard work and sacrifice

I think I was around fifteen/sixteen years old when I first realized how madly in love I am with dancing. Some people think this has always been the case when they meet me today. But to be honest: dancing before that was not my favorite kind-off sport (today I wouldn’t even call it sport anymore, I like to consider it a form of art). At the age of three my Mum took me to ballet class. Well, a dance class where you spin around a little, jump and just have fun. Because of my Dads work we moved places quite often and in every new city I would face a new dance studio, new people, new boundaries. Besides dancing I have always been very active and tried many different sports such as swimming, football, horse riding, badminton, athletics etc. and I was good in all of those fields. I just basically knew what type of sport fits me and my needs. I was horrible at volleyball in school and therefore I would never have taken …

Personal Issue: About growing beyond oneself

Frankly, the last couple of months have been rough. To say it mildly, I’ve had a lot on my plate! Some would argue, that it was my own fault, I simply say: you grow with your tasks. In Winter 2015, I’ve taken on a job as a conceptualist / marketing manager / interior designer for a Berlin start-up called Rose Garden. You might have seen it in a post the other day. I’ve loved this job from day one and given my heart and soul for this brand. My tasks included to work on concepts, do trend research as well as develop a Social Media strategy and form the brand’s CI – to make a long story short – a dream job for a young creative business student like me. I worked full-time during the semester break and wasn’t ready to give up my job when the semester started again, so the only consequence was to do both. And that’s what I did. I signed up for my bachelor’s thesis, which I wrote about brand …

Personal Issue: When your world is torn apart

It took quite some time to open up about this topic but since a year and a half I can openly say it loud: I’m a half-orphan. In 2012, the year we finished school and I was ready to start my life as a university student, I lost my father. He died of a heart-attack; way too early and way too suddenly. I don’t want to go any deeper into the situation and the day as it is still a heart-breaking feeling for my family and me. But from here I would like to start this entry. The moment when your whole world is torn apart. The next couple of days and weeks have been the worst in my life so far. Somehow I exactly remember the time after the day and somehow I can’t put everything together anymore. It’s like a big sorted mess. Losing a person so close to you is something I wish no one would ever experience, sadly it is something we all have to go through and live with – …

Personal Issue: About students, sense of shame and losing it all

The phenomenon I like to pick-up this time is something I have experienced quite often lately. But let us go back in time a little to get a starting point. Its Saturday evening and I head out with some friends for some drinks at the local student bar. The location is packed with people, students of all age and various study fields are gathered in this (hot)spot. A typical scenery where people encounter and mingle. In this atmosphere it is pretty easy to meet new people and talk about a range of topics. Especially first semester students are happy for spots like this one in order to dive into the student life they all have been dreaming of (which, I guess, is another topic to talk about..). The vast majority are fun people to get to know, even if it’s only for that one evening. But there are some students, mainly female, you instantly want to scream at: “Please, don’t act so embarrassing!” Yes, we all act a little different in situations where people are around we like …